Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Heading to the hospital this morning for this ultrasound I was sick to my stomach and so nervous that I was shaking. If the test had come back and I had to do another biopsy I may not have been a candidate for the lumpectomy. I would have then had to get a mastectomy. I was fine with either but the healing time is much longer and a more difficult surgery than the lumpectomy. I also did not want to put off the surgery. I want these suckers out of my body ASAP! They have overstayed their welcome:-) As I said in my earlier post, my sister in law Jessica came with me to the appointment. Boy was I glad she was there. I was shaking and almost ready to lose my breakfast but she helped distract me and held my hand while they were doing the scan. She got quite the peep show this morning to start off the day! Long story short, the scan came back with nothing else besides the lump and the lymph nodes and I was declared stage 2 cancer because it has spread to my lymph nodes!!!! This was the first good news I have had in over 3 weeks! As Andrea texted me :-):-):-) is our happy dance. The MRI that I had was done at the wrong time of the month hormonally wise so that is what came up on the scan that they were concerned about. We are still on track for my surgery on Thursday and to see the oncologist on Friday. I can not express how much of a relief this morning was! Thank you so much Jessica for coming with me!


  1. LOVE GOOD NEWS!!! It was about time:-)

  2. Glad to hear the good news. I am thinking about you and praying for the best. -Heidi

  3. So relieved to finally have some good news. Let's keep it coming :-)
