Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The News

So if you have not already heard, I have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I decided to start this blog to keep everyone as up to date as possible. 

The Beginning 

So while preparing for dinner on Christmas eve I was going through my bi monthly "my boobs are killing me" stage. That is when I felt a lump that I had never felt before. I turned sheet white and had a serious panic moment. Bryan walked in the kitchen and immediately asked me what was wrong. I told him what I found and he assured me it was probably nothing and he would check it later. So on with our Christmas Eve celebrating. I put it out of my mind until that night when Bry said I was not imagining things and he felt it too. He right away did some research and we thought it was just a bump that would come and go or some other bump but suggested we get it checked out. At this point I texted my best friend, Sam freaking out and she calmed me down saying it was probably nothing as well. We got through Christmas day and the kids had a fabulous day of opening presents and enjoying dinner with Nonna and Grandpa Paul. The next morning I could not get it out of my head and Bry said if it is really bothering me to call the doctor to see if they could get me in to have it checked. I called my primary, I explained what was going on and they said they would call me back. Not to happy with that answer and knowing that they are not good at getting me in quickly when needed I called my OB. As always they were AMAZING and got me in within a few hours. Bry came with me and my Dad watched the kids.

So we headed to my OBs office. While on our way we got rear ended in Bryan's new truck. This day is not going so well. Because we were a bit late because of the accident we ended waiting for almost 1.5 hours because another individual was having an emergency. No worries I totally understand but gosh I felt like I was going to lose my lunch I was so nervous. We did end up seeing the dr and she said, yep it is something I want you to get an ultrasound and a mammogram. OK, still freaking out. I called quite a few places and the soonest they could get me in was JANUARY 12th!!!!!!!! Are you kidding me! So I made the appt thinking how in Gods name am I going to be able to wait this long to figure out what is going on. After talking to my Mom she suggested I go to the place that she goes to in Saratoga. I called them up and they got me an appt for New Years Eve, THANK GOD!!!!! So I only had to wait a few days to get in. Both Bry, Sam, my parents and my inlaws were convinced and worked very hard to convince me that it was nothing. All of the research we did for someone my age, healthy, with no history of breast cancer in their family said that 80%-90% it is either benign or a lump that would come and go during different times. I got to thinking that it was going to be OK and this was just a precautionary set of tests. 
So we got through to New Years Eve. My amazing sister-in-law Jane took my kids so that Bry could come with me to these tests with no questions asked. She had a day totally to herself but sacrificed a few hours to watch the kids for Bryan and I. Thanks Jane!!!!!! Off to Saratoga we go to get the mammogram and ultrasound. At this appointment they were going to be able to tell me if it is just a cyst or fatty tissue or if it is something that needed a biopsy. Well, it was not a cyst or fatty tissue. They said I needed a biopsy. OK total freak out again! They said they could get me in on Thurs in Glens Falls. Great, more waiting! They called my OB's office and they called around to see if anyone else in the area could get me in sooner. Nope! So we headed back and picked up the kids. While driving home I got a call asking how long it would take me to get to Glens Falls because they could do the biopsy in an hour. So I dropped Bry and the kids off at home and hauled ass to Glens Falls. They did the biopsy, it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I did not feel a thing because they used some good numbing meds. While there they told me that my mass was 1.7cm big but was not up against the chest wall. That really did not tell me much information because I decided to stay off of the internet and let Bry and Sam do the research for me and let me know what I need to know. They said that I will probably not get the results of the test until Friday at the earliest because of the holiday. GREAT more waiting!  

At this point I am freaking out like crazy! I called and informed my family and let them know the up to date information. My sister-in-law, Alisa suggested that I contact Dave's sister who battled breast cancer within the last couple of years. Laura has been an invaluable source of information and support. She has been able to explain things to me that I did not know anything about and give me information on what is to be coming up. She said I can call her night or day! I am so lucky to have someone with some much knowledge and has SURVIVED!!!!!

Along comes Thursday and I am having horrible anxiety attacks where I can barely breath. I was not sleeping and was constantly crying. I called my OB to ask for something to help me get through the next couple of days. She prescribed me Xanax and oh boy did that help! She told me that she was going to call by the end of the day on Thurs to check and see if they have gotten any of the results from the biopsy. Well at 3:30pm on Thursday, January 3rd I found out that my tumor tested positive for cancer. I FREAKED!!!!! I called Bryan hysterical and he came right home. I called Sam and she could barely understand what I was saying because I was freaking out. None of us could believe it. 

My OB set me up with a surgeon for the next day. This appointment was when we were going to find out the specifics of the biopsy and get a plan for the next steps. That afternoon Sam took Bryan Paul to her parents house to celebrate her and Dan's birthdays. My parents took Mady and Jamyson for the night. So off to this appointment we go. For some reason, maybe the Xanax:-), I was nervous but calmer. I listened to everything she said and only teared up once. I was hoping to go in to the appointment and they were going to say, "we are cutting this sucker out and on with life you will go". Well, that most definitely did not happen:-( I found out that I have Invasive Ductile Carcinoma Breast Cancer that measures 1.7cm. It is a grade 3 tumor which means that it is one of the faster growing tumors. We decided on that over the mastectomy. Because of the size I qualified to get a lumpectomy. They will not figure out what stage of cancer I have until after I have the lumpectomy. She pretty much told me that I will have the lumpectomy and then meet with the oncologist to make a plan for Chemotherapy and Radiation.

So we are to the present. The surgeon set me up with an ultrasound and maybe another biopsy if the cancer has spread to any of my lymph nodes. I will be going to do that tomorrow, Wed. On Thursday I have an MRI and that will also tell them if the cancer has spread. All of these tests are so that they know exactly what is going on in there before the surgery. I also have an appointment with my primary doctor on Friday to get a medical pre-op clearance to have this surgery. Pretty much I am going to be in the doctors offices every day for the next month. As of right now they tentatively scheduled my lumpectomy for the 17th or 18th depending on the results of the tests from the next 2 days. I will try and keep this blog up to date so that you get the information. 

This is some heavy stuff! There is a cure for Breast Cancer! I am going to make it through this. It is going to be a shitty couple of months but hopefully by summer time I will be cancer free. We have a very positive attitude going in to this. We also have such an amazing support system of friends and family. We would not be able to get through this without all of you. If you have any questions Bryan can answer them for you. Also, Samantha Haldeman knows just as much as Bry and I and can answer any questions as well. She has also set up a meal schedule for us. THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is the best help!


  1. You did an awesome job on your blog. I am in awe of your strength Amanda. I am so proud of you, you freaking rock! Love you girl:-)

  2. You are an amazing woman! This blog is a wonderful way to share what you are feeling and going through with everyone who wants to keep informed. I know without a doubt that you will be fine because of your strenght and your positive attitude. The cancer doesn't stand a chance! I love you and will do all that I can to help you through this. ALWAYS THINK POSITIVE!!! And when you can't I will ;-)

  3. Great job on your blog! This is such a great idea for you to share with others what you are going through and to stay connected with us, especially since I am not as close as I want to be (yet)! You are going to get through this because you are a very strong individual and you have a great support system backing you along the way! I will be one your cheerleaders you can call on anytime! Stay strong! Love you!

  4. Great job Amanda! Who is your surgeon? If it is Donna Pietracola she is great! I wish you good luck.

  5. My surgeon Is Dr Weber at St. Peters. I hear she is awesome!
