Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More tests, more waiting

So this morning started out with me waking up super early, who can sleep in when you wake up with so many thoughts in your head???? I going out the door with enough time to stop by Starbucks on my way to see my radiologist. I typed my destination into my GPS on my phone and off I went. I got my much needed coffee and started to head to St. Peters listening to my GPS. After having the GPS take me in circles 3 times in a residential neighborhood I started to just go in the direction I thought I needed to go and by some stretch of the imagination got there directly on time. I can not stand being late to doctors appts! I did only get a few sips of coffee in and totally forgot to take my "happy" meds before I went, so not a good combo.

This appointment was for them to check to see if any of my lymph nodes did not look right. From earlier scans they had seen one that was not 100% so they did this check. They told me that if anything looked off they were going to do a biopsy on the worst looking node. Going in my hopeful attitude was they are going to do this scan, everything is going to look just peachy and off I go to relieve Bryan by taking the kids so he could go back to work. Well, that did not happen. I did have to have a biopsy. When they told me I took it pretty well considering lack of coffee:-) My last biopsy was not that bad so I was ready for this one. Holy macaroni did this one hurt:-( Then off to a mammogram of this spot after the biopsy, let's just say that was quite painful as well.

Now it is over and we should hear the results in the next few days as to if anything has spread to my lymph nodes. Today I have an MRI scan that is going to also check to see if this has spread and to see if there is anything to worry about on the other side. I will probly not hear back about the MRI scan until early next week. So pretty much we are doing the waiting game again.

I am just trying to keep busy. The kids do a very wonderful job of that. It is hard not to "do to much" when I have a 2 year old and 2 other very cuddly kidos. Last night we had plans to go out to dinner to celebrate Sam and Dan Haldeman's birthdays. My babysitter canceled at the last minute. Nonna to the rescue and we had an amazing time!!!! She came and watched the kids so that we could have a much needed night out. She then took my 2 littlest kidos to stay at her house for the night so that I didn't have to run around like a crazy person trying to get Bryan Paul on the bus, the other 2 dropped off and then try to make it to my appt in time. This worked out much better. Thank God for Nonna!

I had mentioned that if you have any questions that you can email Bryan, his email address is Also Samantha Haldeman is also available for any questions. Her email is: Please feel free to contact them for any reason.

I have added a spot at the top right of the blog if you would like to email subscribe to the blog. I am new to this and it is taking me some time to get the hang of how it all works.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, you are in my thoughts and prayers as you take on this battle! You are an amazing woman with such grace and strength. Sending positive vibes your way! xoxo Colleen Fluman
